...I like nefarious corporations that seize control of hapless consumers with mind control, don't you? I also love how corporations try to use us to get them more money without us actually knowing. You think that burger you're chewing is so innocent and tasty? Think again, simpletons. It's a conspiracy brought to you by the FDA, Medical Institution and the Fast Food Industry. Nobody's out to help you or make you feel better. It's all an insidious ploy to take you for all you've got, and when your pockets are dry, they'll toss you aside like yesterday's meatloaf. Never operate under the delusion that corporate society actually cares about you. You'll wake up one day and smear the ketchup off your face and believe me, you won't like what you realize.
It's interesting how the public seem to earn money for everyone but themselves...our jobs are being outsourced so Chinese people can work for pennies in shitty conditions so our bosses won't have to pay us spit. Yet we The People of The Empty Wallet are supposed to rush to the mall when the next IPhone comes out. Silly! You can give away your spleen for free but the minute you need an operation, it'll cost you 5 large. Absurd! It's like the System wasn't even built for us, it was built for...THEM.
And the funny thing is, when the rare event occurs that we actually find ourselves getting paid anything tangible...it's for all the wrong reasons. You're a mobster. You're a junkie pushing drugs. You're illegally trafficking organs. You're killing people for a faceless corporation. You're fuckin' rich, that's what you are. It seems as if the only way to make it in this dumb society is to work for them...and eventually become them. Corrupt. Immoral. Something Other.
Loss of identity. Is that really what it takes to survive in this world?
Eleven Fifty One, coming soon to a blog near you...
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